• Welcome to the Polar Region

    I started to follow current events in the arctic circle after a couple of jobs out in the cold wilderness and I thought I might as well share some of my adventures with you folks out there on the Internet.

    Ever since I started travelling around the cold parts of earth, I fell in love with the people and the culture out there. There is so much to learn and understand.

    As a mechanic I get around a lot and I get into situations normal people wont even dream of. It's about time to share some of those tall tales.

    There will be real stories soon, but right now I have to pack my bags and buy a new hat before I return to the icelands. I will be taking a train to Irkutsk soon and will let you know everything about my exciting new adventures.

    - Gomi, January 2012

    Yes, Im on Facebook , Twitter and Google+ as well.

Asia and Americas on Course for Arctic Collision

“It’ll be a geological showdown for the ages, with North America, South America, Europe and Asia colliding head-on over the North Pole to create a supercontinent called Amasia.” Wired: “Unfortunately, nobody we know will be around to watch the collision, which won’t happen for another 50 million years or more. But it’s still fun to … Continue reading

polar ants: arctic research facility

Polar Ants, an intriguing thesis project from the AA’s Design Research Lab exploring possibilities of robots digging structures beneath the arctic for research/living spaces by Lukasz Szlachcic, Anais Mikaelian, Laila Selim, and Bita Mohamadi. Designboom says: “this project therefore proposes a living architecture, and challenges the classical modernist notions of permanence and stability. the theme … Continue reading

TO THE ARCTIC – Official Trailer [HD]

An extraordinary journey to the top of the world, the documentary adventure “To The Arctic 3D” tells the ultimate tale of survival. Narrated by Oscar winner Meryl Streep, the film takes audiences on a never-before-experienced journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her twin seven-month-old cubs as they navigate the changing Arctic … Continue reading

Putin, Russia and the West (BBC, 2012, Russian Subtitles)

After everything that has happened in Russia recently I would really like to recommend this excellent series from the BBC. It’s 4 hours, but it explains a lot and the versions below have russian subtitles. I spent the day in bed to avoid getting a cold and just finished watching it. Vladimir Putin, after eight … Continue reading

Blue Marble – Most amazing high-definition picture of Earth ever taken

NASA has just released this mind-blowing photograph Earth, which was captured earlier this month by the Agency’s most recently launched Earth-observing satellite, Suomi NPP. The image you see here is actually something of a mosaic — a patchwork piece that collects photos taken from Suomi NPP over the course of January 4, 2012 and stitches … Continue reading

Volcanic origin for Little Ice Age

Glaciers in the Alps have receded dramatically from their most historically recent maxima (the Little Ice Age, AD 1750-1850). This painting by Birman in 1826 illustrates the Mer de Glace, France soon after the glacier had reached its maximum extent (Gugelmann Collection, Swiss National Library, Bern). Richard Black, Environment correspondent for BBC News, reports: “The … Continue reading

100 Places – No. 11 • The Arctic Ocean

100 Places to Remember Before they Disappear features 100 photographs from one hundred different places around the world in risk of disappearing or seriously threatened by climate change. On this website you can see the photographs and find further information and news about climate change and the project. Among ambassadors are Joss Stone, Desmund Tutu … Continue reading

A trip to Khimki Rock(et) City

Some of my new friends from Moscow took me out urbexing to Khimki, the site of the closest German advance to Moscow in November–December 1941. A memorial marking this in a form of a giant tank trap is located close to an IKEA shopping center. The city is also home to one of the largest … Continue reading

Toy ‘protesters’ present small problem for Siberian police

Police in Siberian city ask prosecutors to investigate legality of protest involving display of toy figures holding miniature placards A story from the Guardian: “Russian police don’t take kindly to opposition protesters – even if they’re 5cm high and made of plastic. Police in the Siberian city of Barnaul have asked prosecutors to investigate the … Continue reading

7 Crazy Facts You Should Know About The Arctic

The Arctic is coming in from the cold. We’ve all seen the pictures of starving polar bears, staring bleakly at the retreating pack ice on which their survival depends. But as the polar ice cap shrinks, this oceanic basin is also opening up to human activity. And as its vast economic resources become increasingly accessible, … Continue reading